Tuesday, January 4, 2011

almost 19 months

Happy New Year! Let me start by saying that blogging more often is NOT one of my new years resolutions. Life is just way too busy right now, but I'll try to get a few photos and updates on here every once in a while.

Jackson is almost 19 months old. Amazing! We're almost done counting his age in months, hooray! At least I can tell people he's 1 1/2 years old.... no one believed me when I said he was only 1. He is about 30 pounds, has a full head of hair (well, always has), and is also very tall for his age. He can almost reach the light switches to turn them off! If it weren't for the babbling toddler talk he could pass for being about 2 1/2 or 3. I just love and adore my big little boy!

Well Thanksgiving and Christmas flew by in a blur. We enjoyed both holidays here in the TC with our families. Jackson was spoiled rotten by everyone. He now has a train set, a ride on dump truck, a cozy coup (and gas pump), a few new stuffed animals, a computer, a play tent, books, clothes, and several new toy cars and trucks. The house looks like a toy store.

Jackson is prooving to be a strong willed little boy with an occassional temper tantrum and an Iwannadoitmyself attitude! haha! Everything from wanting to feed himself with utensils, to deciding when he wants out of the bath (he'd live in there if I let him) to letting me know he wants me to read a certain book again! He's quite a handfull but we love him. He's got a softer side as well... he hugs and gives nose kisses to his stuffed animals and gives everyone kisses when he's saying bye bye. He cries when Grammy leaves and loves to tease his Cappie and Meme. My favorite is when Sean asks for a kiss and he refuses and then leans in and offers me one... to make him jealous of course!

Another thing we love to do around the house is dance, since watching Jackson dance is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. He bobs his head, bends at the knees, and spins in circles with his hand in the air. Wonder where he got those good moves! He's also quite the singer. He's been singing the tune of TwinkleTwinkle for a few months now, but also know Peas Porridge Hot, London Bridge, and a few others.

As exhausting as these days are and although I feel like the only words I ever say are "this is no touch!" we are having a lot of fun and will certainly look back and miss these days when they are gone.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

16 months

Time is flying by again, and my monthly blog post is a little behind schedule, but it's tough to get a toddler down for a nap and start making dinner and shower and clean on the weekend! There is never enough time for everything.

Jackson just had his 15 month appointment (we got behind a month scheduling his shots) and the doctor said he is the size of a 2 1/2 year old! whoa (or woooowwah as Jackson would say)! He weighed 28.8 lbs and was 33in tall. He took all his shots like a champ and got a lolly pop..... and boy does he love lolly pops!

Just yesterday we said our goodbyes to Lance, Jenny, and Logan as they got their military orders and are moving to Georgia. The boys have had lots of memories together and we sure are going to miss them all. I'll try not to get too sentimental, but it's so sweet to know Logan met Jackson on the day he was born. The boys are exactly 5 weeks apart (to the day, hour, and minute) and I'll always remember holding them both just hours after Jackson was born. Awww.... ok enough before I start to cry.

Next weekend is Halloween and we are going to pick out some pumpkins to carve today! No pumpkin patch hayride for us this year, it's been too rainy and cold these last few days.

Well this will be it for now, I still have to shower and do laundry before you know who wakes up from his nap!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of Jackson at 16 months:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

14 months

At almost 15 months old, Jackson is:

FEARLESS - He's learned how to climb on and off the couch, chairs, fireplace, rocking chair, etc. Climbing is only half the fun for him. He wants to stand tall on everything too…. scares this mama to death!

SMART - I am simply amazed at how fast he learns. This month he started sorting shapes and putting them through holes, stacking rings, riding his airplane, 'mowing' the lawn, and reading himself books. He even turns the book right side up when I tell him it is upside down. Amazing! His favorites are still Dizzy Dragon, Tails (poor book is missing a few tails now), Pat the bunny, and Are you Ticklish. He says "up", "all done", "up", "dada", "mama", "light", "ball", "dog", "hi", and "I lah ya" (I love you). He also signs for "more", "milk", and "all done".

a FOOD MONSTER - Right now he hates vegetables, which is sad since last month he loooved green beans, carrots, and brocolli. I've gone back to buying baby food jars of the green veggies so I know he's getting enough and he doesn't seem to mind at all. Watching him eat/shove bananas in his mouth is hilarious. He chases them all over his tray and then shoves his whole fist in his mouth. We've learned that banana sticky fingers also can pick up way more Cherrios too.

CUDDLY - Our night time routine is my favorite. He snuggles his head on my shoulder and whispers baby talk to me. He gives the best hugs right before I put him in bed. Sunday nights are always tearful as I realize I have to go back to work the next morning and won't see him when he gets up.

OUTGOING - Everywhere we go, Jackson is sure to say "hi" to everyone. If he doesn't get their attention on the first try he ups the volume and starts repeating "hi, Hi, HI!"

GROWING UP TOO FAST - As exhausting as each day may be, I cherish every moment I get to spend with Jackson… poopy diapers, temper tantrums, and watermelon juice covered floors included. I am certainly going to miss these days when they are gone.

Friday, July 23, 2010

13 months

Oh where to begin? Mr. Jackson is 13 months old, 27 lbs, and 33 inches tall. According to his doctor he's the size of a 2 year old! Nonetheless, my future basketball player is healthy and happy and that makes me happy!

So what's new with Jackson? Well, he is very active and getting into EVERYTHING, just like most 1 year olds!

Over the last few weeks he's fallen in love… with Mother Goose and Bertram (a sing-along dvd). HoNK! HONK! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to Google it and then buy it on amazon.com. I remember the video from when I was a kid and Jackson will watch the video intently, dancing and bobbing his head to the songs. In fact, if you ask Jackson if he wants to watch Mother Goose he will stop what he is doing and run to his room and turn on the tv. Smart little guy!

With all this warm weather we've been spending a lot of time in the back yard playing in the water, digging in the dirt, climbing on toys, swinging, and throwing the ball. He just loves to be outside!
One of my favorite things Jackson has started is giving kisses… well his version of kisses. When I ask him for a kiss he comes over and bows his head. I guess he is use to getting kissed on the top of his head? Or maybe he's being shy? Either way I love that he knows what I'm asking for even if he is a little confused.

My sweet little boy also brings me a book and then will turn around and sit in my lap. He's so smart it amazes me! He has a bookcase full of books, but his favorites are "Dizzy Dragon", "Ponies", and "5 little ducks". These are the only ones he will sit still for right now and we read them over and over and over.

As for food, there isn't much he doesn't like. He is particularily fond of blue berries, green beans, cooked carrots, hot dogs, and graham crackers. He is eating almost all solids now (no more baby food jars!) and is getting better every day with picking up food and drinking from straws and sippy cups. Meal time is still very messy but thankful Josie, our dog, does clean up under the high chair. I also vacuum Jackson, yes actually vacuum his clothes, and he thinks this is hilarious. I love that cleaning is so fun for him right now, haha!

Last weekend Jackson went to his first horse show to watch his daddy ride in a dressage competition. Jackson had outstanding behavior and was being so cute calling out "dada!" He got to pet a few horses, poked one in the eye and had his fun running around. We also had fun staying at the hotel and swimming in the pool. I had to quickly baby proof the room when we got there, but while I was putting the trash cans on higher ground, he was stealing the remote or alarm clock or pulling out kleenex. It was a little crazy keeping up after him, even in such a small confined space!

Well nap time is over (thanks to the Mormon missionary knocking on the front door) and until next month's blog I'll be busy chasing after my little boy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Year two begins now

My baby, born just over a year ago is now a toddler. A walking, babbling, food gobbling toddler with attitude, curiousity, and a huge heart!

Looking back, this has been the most incredible year, jammed pack full of hugs and kisses and diapers and oh yes, tantrums and nap refusals. But is has been the best year hands down!

Since nap time is almost over and dinner isn't ready at all, I'll just post some pictures for now.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

These boots were made for walking...

Little big man Jackson is almost 11 months old! He can crawl like a champ now and he's even started walking. It's amazing how brave he is and how proud of himself he is when he walks to and from the couch and into the arms of one of us. Squealing like crazy too!

It's time to get some baby gates. Oh and I'll be wrapping the fireplace with foam soon too. I'd rather have an unsightly living room over a busted lip or black eye.

We're still working on the whole pick up the food and put it in your mouth hurdle, but he's getting a lot better. He's making strides with using his sippy cup too.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we've gotten to go to the park a few times and Jackson loves to swing! In fact when we got home from the park Sean and I noticed him rocking back in forth in his high chair trying to get it going. What a funny guy!

We found out a few weeks ago that my sister, Kristine, is going to be having a baby in September. We'll hopefully know on May 4th whether Jackson will have a boy or girl cousin! Everyone is betting on it being a girl, but we'll see!

Can't wait to see what next month has in store. Time to get the birthday invitations in the mail!

Love you baby boy!